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KONG KONG LIGE LOYI FOUNDATION [ KKLL FOUNDATION], is a Trust formed in the name of a young boy who is no more. Trust Deed registered on 12/03/2014 is also registered under section 12A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Memo No. 194/12A(a)/CIT/GHY-I/2013-14 dated 26th September 2014. And Certificate of Exemption under 80G(5)(vi) of Income Tax Act is approved to be effective from 28/3/2015 vide order No.CIT(E)/10E/6351/14-15/G-0156/15-16/2344-46 dated 30/9/2015.

As a talented young boy of only 20 years then, he had many dreams and hopes which were shaping up as goals to be achieved. But, who would know his journey could be limited to just 20 years. Anyway, the journey traveled together were purposeful and memorable. It is a fact that no amount of efforts would ever lead us to fulfill all his dreams but it is an endeavor to live with the memories and to emulate his thoughts by giving something back to the society through the trust with multiple objectives, to cite a few as under;

1. To provide assistance for creating awareness on various social, moral and economic issues affecting the country and to direct this awareness in developing innovative means of generating resources-financial, material and professional and channelize these resources through people and projects in the field.

2. To provide assistance for promoting national integration and encourage, support and develop social welfare programs for balanced growth of the nation;

3. To involve the people in general and the children in particular and to provide facilities, in the process of acquiring knowledge and excellence in the field of education, literature, health, natural science, and art and culture.

To organize, conduct and facilitate conference, seminars, study courses, training programs, lectures, workshops, musical programs, drama, film shows, awareness tours or excursions and similar activities in the field of education, literature, health, natural science, and art and culture. 

1. To organize and conduct rural programs, or seminars to improve the standard of living, awareness of the rights and duties of people, awareness about benefits of health care, child care, cleanliness, etc.,;

2. To grant relief and aid for any kind of accidents and natural calamities like earthquake, famine, floods, fire accidents, etc., and to give donations to institutions’ fund or establishment for such relief.

3. To grant, pay or give scholarships, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowances, and other financial assistance or help in cash or kind to the students with a view to help them in pursuing their studies and on their achievements;


Managing Trustee


Guwahati, Kamrup, Assam, PIN-781035